
Piriform.com ccleaner download free
Piriform.com ccleaner download free

piriform.com ccleaner download free piriform.com ccleaner download free

Don't hesitate to take it for a test drive for a week or two, if you don't like it then just uninstall. And NO I wasn't paid to endorse this (or any other product) I just thought I'd put in my 2 cents for those trying to make a decision. If the free one is this good, then I don't think I can go far wrong w the higher horsepower version! CCleaner is the best solution to recover. The best program to clean your computer to improve its performance. You can expect to be offered a free update about once around the end of each month. 8/10 (340 votes) - Download CCleaner Free. It does a nice job of "taking out the trash!" You won't suddenly see pop-ups and notice performance slow downs, to the contrary CCleaner will help purge your machine of all that annoying and potentially dangerous garbage! It also doesn't hog a lot of space or resources, and it isn't loaded w malware. I personally like it better than some cleaning software I paid for in the past on my old Dell. It's a favorite among C-Net visitors, and it has tons of positive reviews. IMHO Piriform's CCleaner has proven to my satisfaction that it works well. I wouldn't want to be w/o my handy CCleaner! I first tried it on my old Dell w XP, and now it's been busy tidying up and protecting my replacement Dell PC since the day I fired it up 1 yr ago as of late Feb 2013. I found the controls intuitive right out of the box, and it's more user friendly and much less cluttered w features I don't need or use.

piriform.com ccleaner download free

I have used the free version for several years.

Piriform.com ccleaner download free